Corbyn had a bad day yesterday. But the truth will be no friend to the Conservatives as a result

1b1adc77-5377-4d68-a64f-9ec227c66d16Wow. What a day that was.

Within the space of less than 24 hours, Tom Watson, the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party stood down, The Jewish Chronicle outs its view of the Labour Party under Corbyn on its front page and Ian Watson, a Labour Minister under Gordon Brown interviews on National Television stating that the current Labour Leader isn’t fit to rule and that People should vote for Boris Johnson instead.

But what difference will it all really make?

The answer the Conservatives will not want to hear is probably not a lot.

During normal times, an individual of Jeremy Corbyn’s nature, background and ideals would not be Leader of the Opposition, let alone be less than 5 weeks away from the possibility of being UK Prime Minister and walking straight into No10.

But the times we live in are far from normal. And the reality that disillusioned Labour MPs may well have nominated and voted Corbyn into the Labour Leadership in 2015 for little more than a laugh will make no difference in the hindsight of history.

Indeed, we will surely look back on the Electorate’s 6-week interview and assessment of Marxism as an applicant for the job of driving the direction of the next government in the final months of 2019 as just being a sign of the times.

The politicians we have today bear a significant amount of the responsibility for the rise and presence of what we call fake news.

In fact, we have been on the receiving end of decades of spin. And whilst the Establishment continually tries to make us believe that fake news is only the preserve of those outside the mainstream, of extremists and of the Russians or perhaps the Chinese, the past three years since the European Referendum has been a master class from Politicians and the mainstream media in this Country of how to push nothing but opinion – and have it passed off successfully as being the truth.

Fake news now flows through every media channel to the point where for a growing number of people no difference actually exists between falsehood and truth.

For many, reality in politics has become all about what resonates best, what makes sense or what suits or most closely fits the listeners experience and view of the world.

Then there are the young, who inexperienced in the dark ways of the world and therefore idealist by nature, don’t look beyond the instant hit that comes from a sound bite or a picture that is painted with impractical idealism and represents what they sincerely believe can be achieved and is therefore what they would like to see.

They don’t consider the detail.

They don’t have any idea what delivering these ideas and manifesting them in reality would actually involve.

They certainly don’t anticipate or understand the consequences of what they might be calling for and the pain that waving a magic policy wand in isolation will almost certainly cause.

But then why should young people be expected to know and understand any of this when the narrative from politicians other than those like Corbyn tell them that Conservatives and those like them look on young people as being of little value, that they have nothing to bring to the party, and that they should shut up and do whatever they are told.

Against this backdrop, the narrative that Corbyn peddles is intoxicating to many of the People in this Country who are already politically disenfranchised and to an even greater proportion of the young.

The truth of what Jeremy Corbyn is, what he represents and what he might soon have the power to inflict upon us all is someone else’s news, someone else’s truth.

It has no currency to those who have no reason to trust the Establishment. Especially when the solution that Corbyn is selling offers an instant high with absolutely none of the disadvantages or responsibilities that following out-of-touch old people, boomers, gammon or the elite would involve.

So whilst the Tories might be looking at the papers and the news feeds today and thinking that this Election Campaign is quickly becoming little more than a slam-dunk, they should perhaps take a step back and consider the fact that they have helped to create the environment in the UK today. A place where People right across the Electoral spectrum will be weighing up the pros and cons of all the Political Parties and all the Candidates without anything like the normal rationality that Conservative Politicians assume will always be involved.

The funny thing is that the outcome of this Election is most likely to materialise simply by default.

Nothing that any of these politicians are saying or doing stands out as being any different  to what We have heard in the past or is encouraging voters – whether young or old – to vote in any way differently to what it would, in the circumstances, be logical to expect.

If Boris Johnson and the Tories really want the truth to matter in the future elections that they might still be able to fight, they need to start talking to, interacting with and considering everyone beyond their own kind differently.

But first and before they do that, they should really take a good hard look at themselves.